Imap Mailer with Chat View! 

Chat Mailer is an iOS application that can show chat view with your IMAP mail account. You can import existing email from INBOX/Sent box and build chat email view. You can also import email from folders other than INBOX/Sent box in order to view chat view.


Screen shots

main options colors
main options colors

Setting up email accounts.

Please input your email account information for first time application execution.
Details are described in application's help. Basically just type your email address and password.
Following is the email prividers supported.
  • Gmail
  • AOL
  • GMX
  • Softbank Email(i)
  • AU ezweb IMAP mail(manual setup only)
  • Yahoo Japan imap
  • Nifty imap
  • NTT MoperaU imap
  • Emobile imap mail


Sales price etc.

Sold in AppStore.


Following is the support email address of Chat Mailer HD application.